Venturepharm Asia

Every spending by Tourism Malaysia, a certain percentage is put aside to be share among the people who are involved in that event as allowance.

Pempena was set up for that purpose only. I have personally lodge reports with the then ACA now known as MACC over the sum of RM345,000 for a certain event that was approved by Daim and Pak Lah. From that amount only RM24,000 was used and Pempena kept the balance in the safe deposit and later distributed among seven people who were involved in that event. Had the ACA done their job, the amount could have been recovered. But ACA choose to close the file.

Today Ng Yen Yen cannot say she is not involved. At the end of the day she will get her share as the Minister is automatically given a percentage.

Look back and you can see how well all the ones who have sat in the Tourism Ministry Seat being fed.
