Dirty Tactic of MACC

Teo Beng Hock did not commit suicide. When MACC is given instructions by Najib to attack and dismantle the State Government of Selangor, every dirty tricks in the book are used. Since Ahmad Said Hamdan became chief of MACC, many shits were thrown at PKR. Like the cows and car business. But the like of Tun Ling, Khir, Rustam, Khairy and other are never investigated.
As most of the MACC guys are Muslim like the ones in the Police Force, murdering suspects has become the norm for them.
Teo Beng Hock is a victim to show that he has something to hide to crush the hopes and inspiration of the PKR who are walking on a thin line.
May God punish the murderers of helpless Altantuya, Kugan, Teo Beng Hock and others. MACC and the Police are a gang of MAFIA.