
People who are murdered cannot leave this world peacefully. Their spirit are confused and they tend to go back in time to the period they were murdered. So now the 5th and 14th floor of Plaza Masalam, Shah Alam will be haunted.

The only person I know who used to consult and help these confused spirit to cross over was my great grand uncle.

The news that 2 unknown DNA was found on Teoh's clothing may lead to nowhere if the authorities are bend on hiding the truth. Since Najib's return from oversea, one could read him easily. The identity of the people who had accidentally killed Teoh had already been made known to him but he would rather let that Merican and the police to mislead the public.

As a human being Najib your heart had harden and ego gone to hell. You prefer to let Teoh's spirit to join Altantuya hand in hand, wandering helplessly around.

August is a Ghost Month, so will the four MACC officers hang themselves on seeing Teoh Beng Hock's spirit over and over again in their sleep and at work.

Sorry Rosmah, your bomohs' charm are losing their power.
