2 Party System but four unique ways of running

The 12th General Election result was something that the Rakyat had hope and pray would happen and it did.  Till today everyone is still talking about it and giving thanks to Pak Lah, who never thought he could lose five states since he was known as Mr Clean.

Today people in UMNO are afraid of going down further, worst than 2008 in the 13th General Election..  This is normal especially when one party believe that they are the kings and the rakyat are the slaves.

Since 2008, we are fortunate to have a taste of four different ways of governing even though we have a two party system.

For 54 years we tasted the bitter sweet ways of UMNO even though they have friendly parties within BN, it was UMNO way of doing things and making all the decisions.  The other friendly parties were just followers, they cannot make decision that displeases UMNO.  UMNO is a one race party, so are the other friendly parties.

In 2008 for the first time in history we have PR, consisting DAP, PAS and PKR, all multi racial party joining force as one, who could run the five states (losing one later, thanks to Sultan of Perak) they won in their own unique ways.

It was democracy through Rakyat way.  No more UMNO way for the four states.

DAP a multi racial party run Penang like a business centre and at the same time taking care of the people.  Many people were able to do decent business, live with less corruption and there were plenty of opportunity for long term investment which attracted more foreigners.  People from Asean countries were taken aback that for once Malaysia was fortunate to have a Rakyat man who could actually work, humble and honest.  LGE actually make money for Penang.

In Kedah we have Ustaz Azizan from PAS, a Malay base party but has non-Malays as members.  Now if we look at Kelantan Tok Guru who has been MB since 22 October 1990, one would understand the way of PAS and how the state is run.  Ustaz Azizan and Tok Guru are similar in character and have experience differences with those surrounding them.  The Rakyat have no problems with these two MBs and are happy that the States still make money despite not getting funds from the Federal Government, but it is the ambitious ones who are creating problems. Business and the way of lives in Kedah and Kelantan are serene, slow pace and less corruption.  That is PAS.

Then we have Selangor.  Kuala Lumpur is not included because we are still controlled by the corrupted ones in Putrajaya.  Selangor is run by PKR a multi racial party but who insist that a Malay must be the leader.  Now Selangor is unique and difficult to run because the MB has to share his power with the Sultan, Islamic Council, Civil Servants, gangsters, UMNO elites and ex UMNO members.  The MB's job is to find and make money only.  But other areas of development etc comes under the Sultan, Islamic Council, Civil Servants, gangsters, UMNO elites and ex UMNO members.  So that is the style of PKR.  Unless some drastic action is taken by PKR, the people will simply say what is the difference between UMNO and PKR.
So who is the strong and stubborn person to tell the Sultan, Islamic Council, Civil Servants, gangsters, UMNO elites and ex UMNO members to shut up with the big word ENOUGH and let PKR do its work.

There is still time to write down all the good and bad points in each WAYS and make the right choice for the coming 13th General Election.

You want DAP style then vote for DAP, you like PAS style then vote for PAS, you can tahan PKR style then vote for PKR but if you vote for BN then consider yourself dead.
