Show your support for the Art of Walking the Path of KLCC Water Fountain

The Art of Walking has only happened twice in Kuala Lumpur. The first was done peacefully before it got interrupted. The second was threatened and blocked. This did not deter 30,000 from turning up to showcase the Art of Walking. Many brave the beating, gas with chemical and got wet. People from all walk of lives showed their united front.

Now this was something unexpected and the authority decided that there will no longer be a gathering to showcase the Art of Walking. A Peaceful Assembly Bill was tabled to restrict the Art of Walking.

So come this Saturday 26th November 2011 at 2 pm WE WILL SHOWCASE THE ART OF WALKING THE PATH OF KLCC WATER FOUNTAIN to show the silliness of the Peaceful Assembly Bill.

If you don't have yellow sexy shoes, wear something yellow to join in the fun of walking.
