Selamat Maal Hijrah

Maal Hijrah, which is also called Awal Muharram, is an important day for Muslims. It falls on the first day of Muharram on every Muslim calender year, which is the first day on Muslim calender.

The meaning of Maal Hijrah in English is migration. On this day, Muslim remember Prophet Muhammad S.A.W migrate from Mecca to Madinah on the year 622 A.D. Besides, Maal Hijrah also mean changes from bad to good and a starting point to evaluate inner-self on self achievement.

Today was just an appetizer with 300 people. On Tuesday 29th November 2011, we will make history again with 30,000 supporters to show the UMNO Government the power of the people.

So if UMNO Government think they can continue to Lord over us think twice. The time has come WHERE THE PEOPLE STAND UNITED AS ONE TO SAY ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.
