Change or die poor

There's a Chinese saying which goes something like this:-

"It's not your fault if you are born poor.

But it is definitely your fault if you die poor.

Destiny is in your hands."

Subject: CHANGE or die poor, owing $$$ somemore!

We Change Clothes for festivities

We Change Cars when there are funds

We Change house when there are funds

We Change schools for our kids for our convenience

We Change food for our lunch, dinner and so on

We even change jobs for better benefits

Even in our work place with intense ( change control) we are willing to make changes!!!!

So I ask…why can’t we change our Government with a simple X, on the ballot paper…

Its high time we need a new Government..?????

Please register, check ur IC numbers in the JPN website, get friends and family to register and vote out BN,MCA,MIC,GERAKAN AND OTHER BN PARTIES

IF YOU AGREE PLEASE FORWARD . . . don't be afraid

Some of you might have read this but no harm reading again……… .

A 100% Aye!!! So, do it . Pass on and act positively for the sake and benefits of our future generations; especially so for those who want to stay put in this country!


IF YOU AGREE PLEASE FORWARD . . . . . . . . . don't be afraid

Dont be misled and think the Government is doing good . It is only on the surface while on the side they are running the country down, the education system is down, the health care is hopeless(Shah Alam hospital is not up yet) as some of the drugs are not available in GH, facilities for the aging population is not in place . My time to enjoy the facilities in this country is gone . Now i am going to fight for the good of my children as we need to make the difference for their future . This has to start now . No matter what . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PLS DO NOT GIVE UP HOPE ON THE OPPOSITION .

Yunnan Pai Yao a poor man medicine, the miracle powder for wound is now RM9 . Previously it was only RM5 . And the reason - because it must have the halogram sticker approved and imported by crony . Imagine an extra 80% increase overnight to fill the pocket of the crony . And this is only one item . Our salary don't even increase by 80%!!! Rakyat are being suck dry . The govt must be changed or else many hardship will follow . Wake up! Lets Storm the Bastille!

What do I get for paying toll everyday?

Now I have to pay an extra RM50 for each credit card . For what?

Extra GST (goods and services tax) . Again, how does that benefit me?

Look at the long list:

I have to pay for security guards because the police are hopeless .

I have to install filters because the water supply is dirty .
I have to watch satellite tv because the government broadcasts crap .

I mean REAL CRAP !!

Many kids have to go for tuition or to private schools because the government schools are bad .

We have to pay IPPs (independent power providers) because the government cannot provide consistent electricity.

We have to pay Indah Water to clean up the sewers.

We have to pay tax on foreign cars because Mahathir wants to keep his dying local car industry alive . ON top of it APs cost bcoz of his cronies .

Most have to drive because the government cannot provide good public transport .

We have to pay to sustain the government's affirmative action policies .

We have to pay for private health care because the public hospitals are crowded with foreign workers.

All in all, we have to pay a PREMIUM to stay in this country!

1Malaysia Boleh??? You decide .

But how is it that Opposition State Government in Penang can give her citizens free internet access within one year in
Government , rice for the poor, while BN Government in power since Independence cannot do it? . . . . . but instead building more high rise building??? Think!!!

Satu masa dulu,adik aku pernah menetap di UK selama lebih setahun . Tapi adik ipar aku duduk situ dah lama, dekat 6 tahun . Duduk situ, kerja bukannya kerja besar, kerja pun chef kecil-kecilan dekat restoran . Adik aku pulak kerja jadi baby sitter . Gaji, takde la besar, tak sampai pun seribu pound tak silap aku . . . tapi . . .

1 . Baju kat sana 3 pound . Kat Malaysia baju2 tu hanya dijual di Pavilion, KL .

Baju orang kebanyakan di UK, baju orang kaya di Malaysia .

2 . Kasut Lacoste kat sana 20 pound .

3 . Sewa bilik ada dapur 200 pound .

4 . Transportation, takde, naik bas, naik tube, satu hari punya tiket 5 pound unlimited ride .

Tak payah tunggu lama, paling lama tunggu bas,5 minit 2 bijik datang .

Naik tube tak pernah rasa tak selesa . Ada Oyster kad, senang nak ke mana-mana .

5 . Pegi Asda ke Tesco ke, beli barang dapur, satu troli 20 pound . Lepas untuk seminggu .

6 . Tak pernah rasa nak beli kereta sebab membazir, orang kaya berlagak aje pakai kereta ke

mana-mana .

7 . Jalanraya sesuai untuk bawak basikal. Adik ipar aku, main transportation dia, basikal,

undang-undang . . . wajib pakai helmet .

8 . Tambang tube nak ke airport . . . 3 pound .

9 . DVD ori sekeping 3 pound . Aku beli Ice Age 1 dan 2 boxset 6 pound .

10. Apa-apa barang pun mcm pakaian, tak puas hati dengan produk, boleh pulangkan dalam

tempoh 30 hari, takde banyak soal asal simpan resit dan tag tak dicabut .

11. Dan aku malas nak cerita pasal Black Friday dan sale musim panas . . .

12 . Bayangkan anda mampu beli kereta Mercedes second hand cash . . . dengan hanya

mengeluarkan 500 pound .

Sini? Hutang 5 tahun untuk bayar kereta second hand . .

kereta di UK tidak ada value sangat kerana . . .

pengangkutan awam membuatkan kereta tidak relevan dan penting dalam hidup .

Perkhidmatan teksi adalah sesuatu perkhidmatan premium sebab teksi tidak diperlukan

sangat .

Bila dia balik Malaysia,

. . . . . . kerja mesti kena ambik overtime, kalau tak duit tak cukup .

Barang makanan sekali pegi beli Rm200 . Nak pegi beli barang pun susah sebab public transport susah .

Apa yang Ismail Sabri Yaakob pelik macam mana RPK boleh hidup mewah kat UK kalau orang Malaysia yang kerja dia waiter kedai makan dekat Malaysia Hall pun boleh hidup senang kat sana?

Adik ipar aku balik sini, sambil hisap rokok dengan aku dia tanya aku, "Apasal hidup kat Malaysia ni susah sangat?"

Lagi la pelik bila menteri tanya apasal ramai orang lebih gemar migrate ke negara lain . . . Tukang sapu pun boleh hidup senang kat UK .

Marah pulak diorang bila rakyat mempersoalkan "Kenapa menteri mampu hidup mewah kat Malaysia, layak ke diorang?"





For your next grand generation

Things which matter most should never be left at the bitter mercy of things which matter least .
