What have we Muslim sacrifice?

The meaning of Hari Raya Aidiladha

Aidiladha is also commonly known as Hari Raya Korban or Hari Raya Haji in Malaysia.
Celebrated about two months after Hari Raya Aidilfitri, on the 10th day of Zulhijjah, the 12th (last) month of the Muslim calendar, it marks the end of the haj pilgrimage period (about two weeks).
Every year, millions of Muslims make the journey to Mecca in Saudi Arabia to perform the haj, one of the five basic tenets of Islam.
Aidiladha also commemorates the sacrifices made by the Prophet Ibrahim (hence the word 'korban,' which means sacrifice in Arabic), who demonstrated immense faith when he was put to the test by God.
Prophet Ibrahim was commanded to offer his son Ismail up for sacrifice, and though it grieved him greatly, he made ready to perform the task. However, as he was about to strike his son, God stopped him and revealed that it was a trial. Ismail's life was spared, and a ram was sacrificed in his place.
As such, during Aidiladha, the sacrifice of four-legged animals such as lambs, goats, cows, bulls and camels is performed.
The slaughter of the animal is done after the congregational prayer in the morning of Aidiladha.
The animals are killed in accordance with the proper religious rites and the meat is then distributed.
One third of the meat is given to the individual who made the sacrifice, while the rest is given to the poor and deserving people in the community.
Making the sacrifice (korban) is not a compulsory religious duty, but an obligations for those who are able to afford it.
The rest of the day is celebrated by visiting relatives and friends.
The Star (2006)
Five basic tenets of Islam and one of them is to make a journey to Mecca.  If I am correct the trip must be with one's saving. Many years ago this is true.  But today almost all the Muslim I know go to Mecca with money stolen from us the people, while others are sponsored by our over zealous Santa Claus otherwise known as Mr Rosmah.
Maybe age is catching up with me.  But as a Muslim I feel very insulted when people proudly tell me they go to Mecca every year, been there four times within a period of six years etc...knowing these Muslim did not go with their own saving but with money obtained in sinful ways.
To me if you do not have the means, don't go.  Why be beggars to the Government to fulfil one of the tenets of Islam or why accept bribe or cheat your partners so that you can go to Mecca.
This habit of Muslim swearing on the Quran and going to Mecca to ask for forgiveness is sickening.
After swearing on the Quran or coming back from Mecca, these Muslim continue to sin more.
I was told that one need to have a licence to slaughter the cows and goats meant for 'korban.'
Yesterday, today and the next two days 700 Bangladeshi exploited by 6P agencies connected to Barisan Nasional Ministers are serving Tiger Woods and company. These 700 Bangladeshi each and everyone of them borrowed money or sold their land to come to Malaysia to earn an honest income so that their families can live a decent life in Bangladesh. Instead they are cheated by our Muslim brothers and sisters.  The agencies not only take their money but upon arrival they were forced to sign away their salaries for 10 to 25 years.  Some of them were even forced to change their religion to Muslim so that they can work in Malaysia. These workers do not have insurance for mishap in their job or losing life or being sick.
Beside the sorrowful tales of these 700 Bangladeshi, Malaysians and tourists at large are walking on time bomb.  These 700 Bangladeshi were never medically check by any doctors or were they vaccinated for German measles or small pox.
So what happens if Tiger Woods and company were to fall sick because of these unchecked workers?  Are the sponsors and Malaysian Government willing to take full responsibility?
So if one needs a licence for 'korban,' why is it not necessary for foreign workers to have vaccination?
Then we have sponsors in name only while the actual money for this tournament comes from EPF and Petronas.
So why do we need to celebrate today while at the same time going against the teaching of Islam? 
As Muslim we should ask ourselves whether we have sacrifice anything on Aidil Adha instead of slaughtering poor innocent animals.
