Mahathir Kutty, Mr and Mrs Rosmah pocketed RM207 billion for themselves

RM207 billion is no small change.  So who are the lucky ones who pocketed the money.  It points to Mahathir Kutty, Mr and Mrs Rosmah.

For the past year Rosmah has been very active in transferring money through Shahrizat's relatives who are money changers into her private accounts overseas.

Lately Mahathir Kutty had personally transferred RM20 billion into Philippines.  Then there are trip overseas that Mahathir Kutty was seen signing authorize letters for transfer of funds, properties, shares and bonds into his grand children private accounts. Everything is into billions.

So the big question is WHOSE MONEY DID THEY STEAL FROM? Or do they have rich GRANDFATHERS? Remember these two had to steal and borrow when they were small because they were very, very poor.  These two were beggars before they became super rich.
Apa yang mengejutkan ialah, Kerajaan Jepun telahpun membayar pampasan kepada Kerajaan Malaysia sejumlah RM207 billion. Tetapi kemanakah wang tersebut disalurkan?

Pelbagai usaha telah dibuat oleh bekas-bekas buruh paksa ini untuk mendapatkan wang pampasan tersebut termasuk lah dengan mengumpulkan maklumat buruh-buruh paksa yang terdapat diseluruh negara. Seramai hampir 30,000 bekas buruh paksa ata
upun waris mereka telah menyertai pertubuhan ini sebagai ahli.

Satu persatuan yang diberi nama Persatuan Kebajikan Bekas dan Warisan Buruh Binaan Landasan Keretapi Siam ke Burma 1942-1946 ditubuhkan yang mana akhirnya telah berjaya didaftarkan secara rasmi dengan Pendaftaran Pertubuhan pada 11 Januari 2011.

Sejak didaftarkan secara rasmi, Ahli Jawatankuasa Persatuan telah memohon beberapa kali untuk mendapatkan wang pampasan dari Kerajaan Malaysia, tapi hingga kini masih gagal.

Pengesahan tentang wujudnya sejumlah wang pampasan tersebut dibuktikan dengan satu memo yang dikeluarkan oleh Kementerian Kewangan Malaysia yang bertarikh 29 Mac 2011.

Pada 27 Julai 2011, Persatuan telah memohon secara rasmi bayaran wang pampasan tersebut setelah menunggu begitu lama.

Sejak dari itu, beberapa urusan surat menyurat diantara persatuan dengan Jabatan Perdana Menteri dan Pejabat Peguam Negara.

Namun, pada 3 Oktober 2011, Bahagian Kabinet, Jabatan Perdana Menteri telah menghantar satu surat kepada Persatuan untuk memberitahu bahawa pengeluaran wang pampasan ini memerlukan proses tertentu kerana kelulusanya melibatkan Dana Khas.

Apakah Dana Khas yang dimaksudkan? Bukankah wang tersebut sudah diberikan oleh Kerajaan Jepun?

Sekarang sudah setahun perkara ini berlaku tetapi belum ada keputusan dibuat. Apakah wang tersebut sudah digunakan untuk tujuan lain?

Pada 10 Oktober yang lalu, DS Hj. Nizar Jamaludin telah membangkitkan isu ini di Parlimen. Soalan Hj. Nizar itu cukup serius tapi malang, tidak ada akhbar arus perdana yang membangkitkan isu tersebut.

Perkara tersebut didedahkan Nizar ketika perbahasan Rang Undang-undang Perbekalan 2013, di parlimen, 10 Okt lalu.
"Sayangnya, tiada sebarang penjelasan diberikan berhubung persoalan saya ketika saya dedahkan perkara tersebut di Dewan Rakyat, sebelum ini. Menteri tidak menjawab langsung," tegas beliau ketika dihubungi Harakahdaily.

Forced labor: Did RM207 billion compensation money disappear?

Harakahdaily | October 22, 2012

KUALA LUMPUR: The BN government is called upon to explain where the money worth RM207 billion that was given by the Japanese government as compensation to 30,000 forced laborers railway construction from 1942 to 1946 has gone to.

Until now it has not been rightfully handed over to the victims or their heirs although it was received 10 years ago.

Member of Parliament for Bukit Gantang, Datuk Seri Mohamed Nizar Jamaluddin told the House of Representatives, he has documents confirming its receipt by the Government
Shocked he said, on December 13, 2004, the Central Bank issued banker's checks worth RM107 billion and RM100 billion allocated in the form of registered shares of Maybank on 13 December 2004.

This is further evidence that the RM207 billion compensation money for 30,000 victims of forced labor was duly received by the government prior to December 13, 2004 again about 10 years ago.

But until now, the money is not given to the victims or their heirs.
As a result, said Mohamad Nizar, former Chief Minister of Perak, the Association of Former Welfare and Labor Heritage Railway Construction Siam to Burma 1942 - 1946 (Persatuan Kebajikan Bekas dan Warisan Buruh Binaan Landasan Keretapi Siam ke Burma 1942 - 1946) had sent a letter to the government of Malaysia to claim the money.

The letter had been sent to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak on July 27, 2011 demanding due payment of the money.
"A total of 30.000 Malaysians were involved in the construction of the railway, 60% of whom were Malays, 20% Indians and 15% Chinese. The remaining 5% were of other races. "

According to Nizar, the Prime Minister's Office upon receipt of the letter handed a copy for submission to the Ministry of Human Resources there Aug. 9, 2011.
He also understands that all parties in the government, including the Department of the Attorney General has agreed that the money should be transmitted to the 30,000 victims or their heirs.

"I wish to state here that if the matter was presented and approved by the Cabinet, then why it should be kept by the Treasury or Finance Treasurer for so long?" Nizar questioned in his speech in Parliament.

He said some of those involved have died, but their heirs are still there.
"The father of Tan Sri Datuk Zulkefli Ahmad Makinudin, Chief Judge of Malaya today was one of those who were mobilized by the Japanese government at the time to build the railways. And he is still alive."

"He is still in Ipoh and can describe how terrible it was for the 30.000 Malaysians," Nizar told Parliament.
Nizar added, "If compensation has been duly made, why is the government still keeping silent over the matter?"

For him, this is a solemn duty of trust, breached by namely the Ministry of Finance, Bank Negara, Ministry of Human Resources despite the clear instructions from the Prime Minister's Office that the Cabinet approve its disbursement.

"So I want an affirmation that there is an appeal from the association. They have asked that compensation be rightfully given. Why has it been denied?" he demanded.

He added that the governments of the Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam had also received similar compensation and which were dutifully paid out to the rightful receipients.
