100 Plus is now HARAM to Malaysian Armed Forces

The Malays are up in arms against Ambiga because she is an INDIAN and had stood brave on her ground that Malaysians are entitled to a clean and fair election. Ambiga had led Bersih, Bersih 2.0 and Bersih 3.0 to victory.

Today Ambiga is being recognized for her courage to withstand intimidation from all UMNO government agencies and Malay extremists by the world.

It is good that the ex Armed Forces men have shown their sick mentality to the public.  This clearly shows that Armed Forces are trained not to protect the country but to threaten the Rakyat.  In the video 1.25 you can hear for yourself how stupid this man can be. "INI HARI SAYA TAK MINUM, KITA ORANG MELAYU, KITA ISLAM, KITA MINUM AIR SAUM.  INI AIR KITA TAK MINUM."  Ambiga had offered 100 Plus and the man had rejected the drink because he and his retired friends are Malay and Muslim.  Sheesh and NOW 100 Plus is HARAM. WTF. The drink company should sue these retired screw loose armed forces men.
