Malays are hypocrites

Najib is telling the world to act against Israel but he on the other hand is paying huge sum to Apco to boast his image as Prime Minister and giving them a free rein on how our security should be formulated.
So basically Najib is saying do what I tell you but what I do is my business.
The many so-called protests that are being held against Israel is mere hypocrisy by the Malays especially those from Mahathir gang, UMNO and Perkasa. Before shouting till kingdom come for justice, pressure Najib to sever ties with Apco. The world is laughing at us for playing double standard mind game.
This bring to mind what my Singaporean friends said lately and laughing to the bank. Yes the Keretapi land we gave up. In exchange for gold and short term monetary gain,we gave away our diamond mine. Najib used the media to the fullest to psycho us in believing that Malaysia stand to gain the most in exchange with Singapore. My friends are working hand in hand with Pamela and they are glowing with happiness that Najib does not have the foresight to see anything beyond two years.
Me like most Malaysians do not care what Israel is doing. Until Najib and those hypocrites can be sincere then we will see. In the meantime I suggest you open your eyes to your surroundings.