Money the mother of all evil

Thaksin Shinawatra is one of the most influential - and polarising - characters in Thai politics.

The Supreme Court has stripped his family of $1.4bn (£910m) in contested assets, over allegations of corruption and conflict of interest, but he remains determined to play a leading role in Thailand.

A telecommunications billionaire, Mr Thaksin was the first prime minister in Thailand's history to lead an elected government through a full term in office.

He was enormously popular, especially among the rural poor, but also proved a divisive figure and was deeply unpopular among many of Bangkok's rich elite.

After more than five years in power, he was ousted in a military coup in September 2006, accused of corruption and abuse of power.

He has been in self-imposed exile since - mostly in London or Dubai.

He faces a two-year jail sentence if he returns to Thailand, after being convicted in absentia on a conflict of interest charge.

But even though he is out of the country, he still has a pivotal influence.

Thaksin with unlimited source of fund had paid 24 fiercely loyal supporters to lead the "red shirt" protest daily for more than a month.
Hilter's Bribery of his Senior Officers during World War 2


Najib is hoping Salehuddin Hashim will be the one capable to sabotage the many links to DSAI to cripple the PKR party. So the asking price of RM2 billion is nothing when the money is actually from the Malaysian Public Pocket. It is understandable Salehuddin's feelers are already working overtime and making arrangements for MPs to travel overseas. The MPs are feasted with women, boys, unlimited funds to gamble and drink their hearts to the fullest, some I was told are already high on the latest drugs.

What disgusted me the most are these bastards are well educated Malay Muslim who condemn and had bad mouthed the UMNO leaders like Mahathir, Pak Lah, Najib, Muhyiddin, Hishamuddin, Khairy, belittle the whore Rosmah and had swore on their parents and wives' grave that they will kill off UMNO. But today they are greasing their palm with money and shouting aloud "It is becoming clear PKR is no longer a platform for political struggle but more towards power-centric politics, which does not have the interest of the people at heart despite the mandate given to the party in several states."

My questions are very simple and are frequently asked by folks around me.
1. How long had UMNO being in power?
2. Who benefitted from the wealth of this country?
3. Why are the UMNO leaders and MPs bent on race quota?
4. Who are the people who helped to developed this country?
5. Why is the scale of justice unbalance?
6. Which party or rather which leader change the constitution and laws of this country daily?
7. Who is paying for the crossover?
8. Who is leaking information to UMNO in the PKR states?
9. Why are the civil servants not doing their respective jobs in the PKR states?
10. Why are the Royal Household and Agong playing dumb on the APCO issue?
11. Why is IGP Musa not charge for treason?
12. Why are my drains still clogged?
13. Why are there so many illegal activities in my area run by UMNO members?
14. Why are there so many potholes in my area?
15. Why are the transport system in this country still backward and corrupted?
16. Didn't UMNO belittle MCA, Gerakan and MIC many times over on racial issues?

There are many more whys with no answers to be heard.

What these elected MPs who want to crossover should do is to give up their seats. I did not vote for you personally but for the party. But then which MPs has the guts to do that, knowing they will never be elected again.

True to form Salehuddin's next target after MPs would be bloggers like Raja Petra.
