The ghost of Teoh Beng Hock

A Tragic death is not easy to accept by the living and more so to the deceased. The victims will alway re-live the last moment before its death. The soul is not at ease until the sadist cum murderers admit to the killing.

But no-one admits, so the soul lingers on forever. The living can only pray that one day a spiritual one will show the poor soul the way forward.

To the sadist cum murderers your suffering will be long and maybe the one most precious to you, will suffer the same fate as Teoh Beng Hock.

In the meantime the inquest is like a turn-table going round with invisible hands making sure no sound is heard.

The family of Teoh Beng Hock can use psychic help like what Scotland Yard is doing. No not the same like the ones, first lady whore Rosmah and Mahani depend on, those are for having good sex with toy boys and rich and powerful men.
