Documents To Bank Negara

19th September 2008

Special Investigation Unit,
Bank Negara,

Dear Sir,

Re: Police Report THSL/02535/08

Reference to the above mentioned, I hereby enclose a file containing documents of 14 other Exelasia Venture Sdn. Bhd., investors' who were also cheated of their money.

Cheong Chee Kee
Nursiah Bt Bador
Wan Rokiah
Wong Hong Fook
Wong Weng Kin
Chen Set Li
Pang Hui Jiuan
Loo Teng Keng
Liang Chia Mai
The Ah Yeong @ Yong
Tan Yeam Chong
Chong Hwa Sin
Pow Chee Ming
Mohd Nasir Bin Hasim

I understand from Kartar Singh A/L Deva Singh, he had already handed over to you his documents and police report.

With this I hope you could expedite the investigation to include Bryan Ching who is attached with CIMB Wealth Advisors Berhad as a unit trust consultant. By talking to the investors, you can conclude they were persuaded and influence by Bryan Ching who insisted that the bond he is keeping for safe keeping were genuine and his experience as a unit trust consultant has the backing of CIMB to go into off shore investment.

Wan Rokaih could also assist you to a property belonging to Lisa Chin nearby her house. Please contact her for the address.

Thank you.

Yours sincerely

Dian Abdullah
