MACC spending Grandfather's money

In Parliament I sit next to Dr. Ko (DAP) from Kampar. He put in two questions yesterday and he has just received really interesting replies. The first question on the how many people has emigrated in the last 10 years. The answer from the Home Ministry is that the do not keep record of this! See pic of the reply.

The second question is on MACC budget and results. In the last five years MACC spent close to RM900 million and this resulted in RM58 million worth of corruption charges and recovered only RM17 million. This is a dismal recovery rate of 2% after spending RM900 million.

On the number of MACC staff, there are 2331 and they investigated 401 cases in 2012. It takes 17 staff to handle one case per year. I wonder how many people does MACC need to change a light bulb?

Wong Chen
