Krokodil new drug in town

First 2 cases of the flesh and bone eating heroin substitute known as "Krokodil" have been found in the United States.
This is serious, this drug makes all other illegal drugs in America look tame.
Fabricated from a mixture of Codeine, gasoline, red phosphorus, iodine, paint thinner, oil and alcohol, this drug has similar effects as heroin, but also desolves flesh and bone. The average life of a user is 2 years.
They literally rot to death.
THIS IS NOT A JOKE, stay vigilant. The name "Krokodil" means "Crocodile" in russian. Symptoms of the drug are green scaly skin, followed by large rotting swaths of skin.
This deadly drug has finally made it from Russia to America. It's a epidemic there. It very well could happen here.