Thursday, April 4, 2013


Over RM10 billion has been given out to the Rakyat to buy their votes for the past four years.
MCA on their part has been going every corner of the streets, villages and towns telling the Chinese that next year BN is ready to give RM1,000 instead of RM500 (BR1M) every six months if they win this 13th GE.
UMNO, Wanita UMNO, Puteri, UMNO Youth,  Perkasa, Pekida and Silat Group have also done their part in selling the idea of that RM1,000 plus the demise of Malay cum Islam in Malaysia if PKR were to win.
As for the Indians, as long as Hindraf continues to play the Indian Game, it is definite the votes will go to the party that dishes out food supplies.  There is still a need for them to see things clearly with binoculars.
Putrajaya has deep hatred for Rosmah who had plastered the ceilings, walls, under tables, chairs, canteens and polluted the water system with so called spiritual papers. So whoever takes over as Premier must NEVER venture to stay or work there. All government departments MUST MOVE OUT FROM PUTRAJAYA. No amount of cleansing can be done there. To be brave and ignore as hoax will face disaster result within a year.
Many are talking about HUNG PARLIAMENT.
What do you want?

Mahathir Kutty (Babi) talking about himself.

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