Lt Kol Azmi Alive or Dead?

Lt Kol Azmi Zainal Abidin is now more famous than the Prime Minister of Malaysia. His status as the 2nd man in the Special Branch Military Intelligence brings more truth to who actually murdered Altantuya.

Right now, I am more interested in the welfare of Lt Kol Azmi. Look this man was the key witness to a crime committed by Rosmah, the wife of Najib, the Prime Minister of Malaysia. Najib and Rosmah are no ordinary fools. They are now untouchable except by God. Given that Altantuya was not the only person killed by Rosmah, the joy and thrill of committing another murder is too good to pass over. So will Lt Kol Azmi be C4 or does he have the choice of leaving this country with a big settlement to forget the whole thing?

I am dying to hear, from the first person to come out in a statement, that Lt Kol Azmi is non existence. You see there are many loyal Special Branch officers in service and retired who know Lt Kol Azmi personally direct and indirect.

Will this be Najib’s second wrong move? You play with fire you die in a fire.

This piece is dedicated to the late Altantuya, whose birthday falls on 6th May.
