Sayonara Najib and Rosmah

It is understandable that once you are at the top (almost) you forget you are just a human being. It is not easy to be God. That is why this universe has only one God with different names that all.

Human beings have weakness and do make mistakes that are understandable but when you cross the line and do murder that is another thing. The Prime Minister, AG, IGP and especially the Malays who worship Najib because of his father Tun Razak, cannot chose to cover up. Rosmah has to be sent to the gallow. Full stop nothing less. Allah did not say nor is there anything in the Koran that said, “One can plot and do murder because one belong to the untouchable group”.

I am grateful to Najib and Rosmah for helping my family but I cannot forgive them over this. Two innocent kids have lost their only parent because Rosmah did not want the public to know about the affair. So what, the victim asked or demanded RM500,000 as commission. In the first place Najib and Razak should not have promised her. Anyway what is RM500,000 to Najib and Rosmah who both collect million per day?

Rosmah how do you justify your action to your own children?
