Does Anyone Care?

The way the police reply to the disappearance of PI Balasubramaniam and Family shows the arrogance and mentality of our government robots. They simply do not want to look into the case FULL STOP. By investigating means exposing more shit. So why open the can of worms?

The Indian Community should make a BIG FUSS and raise their anger as this concern their own people. Why the BIG SILENCE?

The citizens of this country also do not seem to care but only know how to gossip. So who is actually concern for the family of five (5) and are looking for them? NO ONE.

A family with small children cannot go into hiding without being notice. Only people who have children will understand young children are restless if kept too long in confinement. The stupid reply from the police that they have gone oversea is not acceptable.

Till today no one, not even Balasubramniam’s nephew has distributed the family’s photos to the public. After seven (7) days the possibility of Balasubramaniam and Family being alive is gone if they do not surface by then.
Our leaders talk about righteous and Islam Hadhari and pray five (5) times a day but are evil in thoughts and actions. Every time they open their mouth only shit comes out and they like to SMILE a CROOKED SMILE.
