Malays Cannot Get Up

No I am not talking about erection. The Malays have been dependence on the Government to spoon feed them in everything like passing their exams be it UPSR, SPM, STPM and degree. The passing marks for all these exams are not standard, yearly they go flip flop trying to pass as many Bumiputras as possible.

Next we have the APs given to the elite and their families for generation to come. There must be a time frame. Like 5 years only. But, the government knows that if they do not continue to provide, the Bumiputras cannot compete with the Chinese and others.

Next the stupid quota of 30% Bumiputras must be employed in all companies. What about the Bumiputra companies that do not have even 1% Chinese or Indian workers?

Then we have the scholarships for the rich and famous Bumiputras first, and then the leftovers are given to the eligible ones. Even their own race they want to screw. The petite extra are thrown out for the other races to fight over.

It is a fact the Bumiputras in this country cannot compete with the other races and they will do anything even murder to make sure the other races do not have the chance to stand equal to them. When cornered, they will use the constitution blah, blah to protect them.

There is an old saying, “Put the Chinese in the desert and they will grow food. Put the Malays and they will die praying for food.”
