One More Step

Rosmah is so thoughtful that she will not take action against Raja Petra. Did you notice not once did she look towards the camera when she gave that statement? That smile says it all.

Will the real Rosmah please stand up? Many people expect her to be the same Rosmah from University Days. Well people do change with time, money and position. Especially with an ambitious woman who will never allow any obstacle to stand in her way. I know of two women who have such ambitious and are revengeful. Rosmah is one.

Rosmah was told by a local fortune teller that in a few months time she will be Mrs Prime Minister. Whether this will be true or not, we shall see. So all bloggers especially Raja Petra beware, within 24 hours of becoming Mrs Prime Minister, she will use her ISA wand. She has made a list of all the people she wants out of sight and mind. Eventually she might make our families stateless too. You must be prepared to be fearless and strong in faith to challenge her. There will be no boundaries when she sits on that post.
