Open Letter to Tan Sri Lee Lam Thye

I beg to differ your stand that NS is good for youths. Even a cake that is half baked or wrong measurement of ingredients looks like a cake but does not taste like a cake.
No one from the authorities can even give a reasonable answer how a three months stint can build discipline, character and unity and you also mentioned this has been testified by the vast majority of former trainees and their parents.
The Hos and the Ahs are just a handful of parents who have no time for their children. It is God's answer to rid of their kids for a three months camp holiday and their peace of mind.
Like I mentioned countless times, do not embarked onto something that you are not committed to sincerely. This NS scam is just to fill someone's pocket.
Prove to this country and to the rest of the world and make it a two years stint, it is worth the money and most important our children's time.
Maybe the government can look into sending the boys and girls from juvenile centers to such camps since their stay at the centers takes years to discipline them.
