Future Understanding

This country need to immediately kick out people like Tan Sri Ismail and the likes of him to stop serving this country. Government Servant must be open to new ideas and work towards the need of this country. People like Tan Sri Ismail belong to the Stone Age where they do not read, understand and strive to nurture and gear our youth toward the future. There are many capable people who have ideas and are always on the lookout for what this country needs and are willing to foster unity and time and effort to achieve this for the future generation.

There is so much development around the world that will affect our country, requires different new skill which the obnoxious civil servants do not seem to understand that our future generation will need to master and acquire. Instead, year in year out students who are given scholarship or Mara, Petronas, Tenaga loans are forced to accept certain courses only. They decide what you should take up not what you are interested and passionate about or what the future require. If you cannot get JPJ scholarship, the chances of getting Mara, Petronas or Tenaga are also nil because the blacklisted names are circulated around. Yes there is such a list. Maybe Mahathir and Pak Lah or better still Tan Sri Abdul Rashid can give us a copy of the names that he personally handed to the PMs.

Our two astronauts have to sign five years contract, they cannot get married before they embarked on their training. It would be wise and logical for all those who obtained grants or loan from the government to sign a two years contract; they can only get married two years after graduation from their degree course and not before then. I know many girls got married before graduation. This has hindered them to pay back their loans or to serve the country because of family commitment.

There is enough money to loan out to ALL MALAYSIANS to study overseas and local. A caring and decent government can achieve that if they want to, nothing is impossible. I have already offered my service with no strings attached to the chief secretary Tan Sri Sidek to listen and study my proposal to revamp the whole system. My proposal will also benefit the Primary, Secondary and Special Schools.
