Anwar putting whole NATION AT RISK with his extremism
JK dan PM Malaysia Bertemu Perwakilan Hamas, Diminta Jadi Juru Damai Wakil Presiden ke-10 dan ke-12 Republik Indonesia, Jusuf Kalla (JK) bertemu dengan delegasi Hamas yang dipimpin Dr. Bassem Naim di Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, pada Minggu (5/5).

INTERVIEW | US Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson revealed that his countryās security forces had been monitoring ship-to-ship oil transfers in Malaysian waters.
Speaking to selected members of the Malaysian media, he was coy on details but highlighted the reason for his visit to the region from May 6-9.
My Comments :
The village idiots do not seem to understand the risks they are taking. Or the dangers into which they are putting the rest of the country. They do not understand business. None of them knows anything about foreign exchange risks, funds transfer risks or even economic sanctions. Because none of them are in business anyway.
Except those few elites who may profit from these oil transfers.
The risk is, like it or not, the Americans are still the biggest gangsters in the neighborhood. Even China steps cautiously around the Americans. But China is itself mega huge. They can withstand anything the Americans can throw at them.
Is Malaysia an economic giant or a military super power?
If the Americans decide to step on us, can our economy withstand them?
The kampong boys dont give a shit. They will still get paid their monthly salaries from the gomen. What about the real economy in Malaysia?
Taken from OutSyedTheBox
INTERVIEW | US Treasury Under Secretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence Brian Nelson revealed that his countryās security forces had been monitoring ship-to-ship oil transfers in Malaysian waters.
Speaking to selected members of the Malaysian media, he was coy on details but highlighted the reason for his visit to the region from May 6-9.
My Comments :
The village idiots do not seem to understand the risks they are taking. Or the dangers into which they are putting the rest of the country. They do not understand business. None of them knows anything about foreign exchange risks, funds transfer risks or even economic sanctions. Because none of them are in business anyway.
Except those few elites who may profit from these oil transfers.
The risk is, like it or not, the Americans are still the biggest gangsters in the neighborhood. Even China steps cautiously around the Americans. But China is itself mega huge. They can withstand anything the Americans can throw at them.
Is Malaysia an economic giant or a military super power?
If the Americans decide to step on us, can our economy withstand them?
The kampong boys dont give a shit. They will still get paid their monthly salaries from the gomen. What about the real economy in Malaysia?
Taken from OutSyedTheBox