“This is for Allah…” The hijacking of Islam.
There are five words which some of us dread hearing and they are not, “I don’t love you anymore”.
The five words which we do not want to hear, are “In the name of Allah”.
These words, or words to that effect are usually shouted by Islamic terrorists before they plunge a knifeinto you, start a shooting spree, detonate an explosive device, behead someone or drive a truck into innocent crowds.
World leaders, including our PM, have condemned the recent killings by Islamic terrorists; but did our Islamic clerics, as a COLLECTIVE, criticise these murders?
Why have Malaysian muftis and religious leaders kept quiet?
Do they approve of the killings?
The whole world is looking at the Muslim community and saying tut tut tut…Their preachers did not express outrage that Allah’s name had been used to kill indiscriminately.
Do our religious leaders think that their power over the brethren and rakyat will be diminished if they denounced these killings? More importantly, are they afraid of losing political power?
Did you hear any condemnation from Harussani, the camel loving Perak Mufti, or the Jekyll-and-Hyde Perlis mufit Dr Maza who cannot decide if he is a wahabi or a more moderate preacher, or the Pahang mufti, Abdul Rahman Osman, who outraged a nation when he urged the killing of kafir harbis.
It appears that they are only concerned about dictating how we live our lives. Nothing is done about weeding-out the extremists among us.
Moderate Muslims will not speak out. They don’t want their neighbours to think they are insulting Islam.
Do the sanctimonious Muslims think that the killings are perfectly acceptable? Have they lost their values and their morality? Do they say nothing because it is mostly non-Muslim lives which are lost?
What is their reaction when Muslims kill other Muslims?”
We live in fear of bigots who rule how we dress, where we eat, what we eat, how we bring up our kids, what games we play, what hobbies we indulge in, and the music we listen to.
Nip extremism in the bud. For starters, people like PAS leader, Nasaruddin Hassan Tantawi, ISMA president Abdullah Zaik Abd Rahman, and the Pahang mufti should be severely punished.
Our leaders are impotent with fear. They are afraid to censure Muslims with extremist views because they do not want to be seen insulting Islam. They don’t want to lose political power.
Political parties and the Home minister ban events of other religions. These intolerant views are part of being an extremist.
We must acknowledge the link between Islamic extremism and terrorist attacks.
If you are Muslim, seize back your religion from the extremists.
Remember that it is NOT religion which breeds terrorists. It is politics.
By Mariam Mokhtar