Can get summon for carrying fruits in your own car
Early morning Blues by Traffic police at LDP 9.30am. Police stop me for carrying two basket
of fresh vege in the Pajero. I said there's nothing wrong in carrying things that I buy in my
own car is a Pajero. He said is an offence that my car have no chop. I took my hand phone
took a pic of my car he got angry and said he will give me a ticket now. I said for what
offence. He said he is fasting (saya puasa I tak suka "attitude "you tak minta maaf dan
rayuan). he don't like my attitude for not appealing and apologise. Oh Dear!!! ??????? Just
amaze me how a fasting police could cost me a ticket. So careful don't buy too much in your
car during fasting month.
Alyna Tai