The machinery in Terengganu eats non-stop

The Sultan eats,
The MB eats,
The ex-MB eats,
The UMNO members in Terengganu eat,
The Civil Servants eat,

Masjid Kg Tebauk in Bukit Tunggal, Kuala Terengganu. PIX by ZABIDI TUSIN KUALA TERENGGANU: Yet another roof in Terengganu has come crashing down, this time at a mosque in Kampung Tebauk, Bukit Tunggal. 

The mosqueā€™s bilal, Mat Man, came to open the mosque at 5am Sunday and was shocked to discover the foyerā€™s ceiling had collapsed. 

ā€œI arrived at the mosque, opened the gates and lights, as people would come soon for the Subuh prayers. I did not suspect anything then.

ā€œOnly when I entered the foyer I saw there was rubble. I looked up and realised the ceiling had collapsed,ā€ said Mat, 61, who lives nearby. 

Mat said the ceiling was still intact the night before, and he suspected the roof collapsed early in the morning. 

No injuries were reported.

The Public Works Department when contacted said it would investigate the matter first before issuing a statement. 

The mosque was completed in 2010 and only opened to the public two years ago. 

The collapse was similar to the one at the Kampung Binjai Kertas mosque, where the ceiling of the entrance collapsed last May.

In October 2009, the entrance roof of a mosque in Kampung Batu Putih in Kertih, Kemaman, collapsed and injured three Indonesian workers.

That incident occurred only a few months after the roof of the RM300mil Sultan Mizan Zainal Abidin stadium collapsed. 
