Welcome to Resort Jinjang Police Station

When someone says you are from Jinjang Jones it means you are from the rural/kampung/backward place.
Today Jinjang Police Station has become a Resort of a different kind.  This new resort is for people whom the BN newly elected Government send their good friends for a forced holiday.  What are friends for.
But the trouble is the Police are wasting energy, time and money on these new found friends because their demands for perfection is 100% or nothing.
As the world watches in silence at the frustration and anger inside the hearts of all Malaysians, many wants to know is it today or tomorrow that the bubble will burst.
When the weather is extremely hot many get sore throat, cough and fever.
But when the human temperature rises blood will flow.

Another guest arrived at the Resort.
Many more to follow because Najib does not want the Danish Royalty to see the protest.
