Congratulation Hannah, you deserve it
Press Statement on my nomination as Speaker of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly
I am deeply humbled by the announcement regarding my nomination as Speaker of the Selangor State Legislative Assembly.
Pakatan Rakyat has once again created history by nominating the very first woman Speaker for a legislature in Malaysia. I will officially be elected as Speaker when the State Legislative Assembly convenes.
While I am not sure I am deserving of such an honour, I am fiercely proud to be part of a coalition that has proven time and again its firm commitment to gender equality and promoting women to leading positions in public service. This is further validated by the appointment of 4 women EXCOs into the state government’s new line-up, a composition which we have retained since 2008.
I would also like to congratulate the new Deputy Speaker, YB Nik Nazmi Nik Ahmad on his nomination. By nominating us who are both under the age of 35 to these two positions, Pakatan Rakyat demonstrates its confidence and faith in young leaders as well as in their ability to play key roles in continuously developing a healthy democracy in Malaysia. We pledge to hold steadfast to the idealism and dynamism of youth, while ever building upon the wisdom of the more experienced among us.
In particular, I would like to state my appreciation to YB Dato’ Teng Chang Khim, who has set a sterling example for a Speaker and has raised the standard significantly over his tenure in the last 5 years. The reforms initiated by him have gone a long way in nurturing a more genuine democracy and l look forward to continuing them. Our quest is to continuously strengthen the legislative assembly for it to be as effective as it can be in fulfilling its functions of providing oversight, representation and lawmaking.
Lastly, I would like to sincerely thank both DAP and Pakatan Rakyat for entrusting me with such important work and reaffirm my commitment to serving the Selangor State Legislative Assembly, the people of Subang Jaya and all citizens of Selangor.
Hannah Yeoh
ADUN Subang Jaya
People like Hannah was given a chance to be who she is. Since 2008 she worked very hard and never once lost her dignity and pride. Today she is rewarded for her service.
Hannah is one person who will continue to grow and have bigger part to play in the future of Malaysia.
Selangorians are proud of her.