There is no joy to celebrate Wesak when the Government wants our blood
Today is Wesak Day. It is suppose to be a day of celebration for the Buddhists.
Instead we get a pariah who tells us to 'come together as one regardless of race and ethnicity.' What does he means by coming together. Did he just refer to the Bangla fucking Rosmah coming together or what.
How can we be together as one when Pariah Najis choose to brand and attack a single race, the Chinese. And was arrogant to conclude the result of the 13th GE as a Chinese Tsunami whereas MCA and Gerakan both Chinese Party lost their underwear and were the biggest losers.
Then we have Malay Pariahs and Organisations demanding the Christian and the Sikh not to use the word 'Allah' even though it was in their religious books longer than the existence of Muslim in Malaysia.
Then we have Sultans whose only main interest is to have a Malay run the State disregard whether he or it is a rogue or a pariah or a coward or an animal breed to be eaten. Making this chicken eligible to run the State.
When a failed businessman becomes a politician he tends to behave like a wild monkey on heat telling others who are not on the same page as him to go live in the jungle. Not surprising Selangor is slowly turning into a concrete jungle.
Then we have another untouchable Malay telling others to kill the Chinese.
Now who do you think promised this thug or rather gangster the Deputy Prime Minister post in the coming UMNO Assembly?
Since it is Wesak do pray for the Indian man who was murdered and had his ears stapled by sadist policemen.
Instead we get a pariah who tells us to 'come together as one regardless of race and ethnicity.' What does he means by coming together. Did he just refer to the Bangla fucking Rosmah coming together or what.
How can we be together as one when Pariah Najis choose to brand and attack a single race, the Chinese. And was arrogant to conclude the result of the 13th GE as a Chinese Tsunami whereas MCA and Gerakan both Chinese Party lost their underwear and were the biggest losers.
Then we have Malay Pariahs and Organisations demanding the Christian and the Sikh not to use the word 'Allah' even though it was in their religious books longer than the existence of Muslim in Malaysia.
Then we have Sultans whose only main interest is to have a Malay run the State disregard whether he or it is a rogue or a pariah or a coward or an animal breed to be eaten. Making this chicken eligible to run the State.
A thug/gangster who loves hand gesture by the name of Zahid, not too sure whether he is legally appointed as the Home Minister telling those who cannot accept Malaysia's first-past-the-post system should emigrate to practise their political beliefs elsewhere.
We the Rakyat are still waiting and hoping for the police to have the courage to actually investigate this police report.
When a failed businessman becomes a politician he tends to behave like a wild monkey on heat telling others who are not on the same page as him to go live in the jungle. Not surprising Selangor is slowly turning into a concrete jungle.
Then we have another untouchable Malay telling others to kill the Chinese.
Now who do you think promised this thug or rather gangster the Deputy Prime Minister post in the coming UMNO Assembly?
Since it is Wesak do pray for the Indian man who was murdered and had his ears stapled by sadist policemen.