
Showing posts from May, 2013

Rakyat Date with Parliment

World largest money-laundering is Malaysia

Churches are concern but our Islamic Council are not because there is monetary gain

Congratulation Hannah, you deserve it

Dr Mohd Tajuddin M Rasdi

Let us stand united on this for the future

Con man on the loose

When Mahathir was PM, he forgot he was a trained Doctor and did nothing

Grandfather's parking bay

SuaraRakyat 505

EC Deputy Chairman Wan Ahmad got screwed big time

Mother Fucker still bend on treating us like fools

Calling all Malaysians to do their national duty

Emergency number to keep for SuaraRakyat 505

Only in Malaysia we have fucking invisible bikes

Day of reckoning

Mykad not missing but thrown away after 13th GE

The difference between a crony and a citizen

We must move away from the 4th Prime Minister

There is no joy to celebrate Wesak when the Government wants our blood

Kangaroo courts out for blood

Police kicked lawyer representing 18 arrested

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