It is time the Rakyat stand up against Mahathir Kutty

Now will everyone do something about Mahathir before he further instigates UMNO Malays to fight against the Malays and other races and religion.
Now that the Armed Forces refused to execute the Sultans and take over the running of this country, Mahathir has only one card left and that is to make the Malays fight against their own people and others.  Mahathir is determine to hold onto to his power.
Start a petition to Agong.  Write to your state Sultan and Agong.  Do something.  Make police report even though PDRM are too lazy and corrupt to work.  Pile up their work desk, make noises.
Do not allow Muhyiddin and Mukriz to get your vote, make sure Mahathir Dynasty stop here today.
By putting an end to Mahathir's grip, we can stop all the stealing, racism, hatred, arrogance and lies.
This 13th GE is the only and last time we will have a chance to take back the power from the corrupted and God Chosen Ones.
