Politicians are having a field time playing with the issue of religion and race. Like many Malaysians, I too am fed-up. Today it is this, tomorrow it is that. We seem to be undecided what we want. I put the blame on our politicians and Royal Household.
Not too long ago Sultan of Selangor issue a memo that no political speech is allowed in Mosque and Surau. Yet everyday we hear political speeches UMNO version given in Mosque and Surau. Yet not a sound from the Sultan.
There is a written law that forbids Muslim to gamble, consume alcohol, commit incest, steal, murder etc yet we find family members of politicians and Royal Household, politicians and Royalty themselves committing all these. Everyday at least three Royal Household have poker session in their palace if they are not oversea gambling in some casino.
Najib told us to trust his 1Malaysia formula which mean all Malaysians and races are equal and united but it turned out to be 'we must protect our own kind' and Malay First. To add further insult to our trust we get bashing from Perkasa, an NGO supported and finance by Mahathir Kutty.
Then we get MCA creative play act of bashing DAP for supporting PAS Hudud but accepted without a murmur PAS Hudud in Terengganu. Why the double standard Malaysia Cina Anjing?
Karpal Singh has rightly done his duty as an MP that we must decide whether we are a Secular or Islamic nation. We cannot be both. It is time to end this and we can do so at the same time at the 13th GE. It is a simple process of adding in one extra ballot box for voters to cast their vote whether they want Secular or Islamic.
Politicians and Royal Household must stop their nonsense. IT IS TIME RAKYAT IS GIVING A CHANCE TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THIS NATION.