God balances the scale in a strange way.

Since 1984 till today many of us who are still alive are very lucky to see the workings of God. Daily people are complaining why this, why that and why me?  Life is never short of problems and demands.  We sometimes think that God is never fair when we are in trouble.  We like to put the blame on someone.

In 1969 after May 13th I was told me that one day the Malays will fight among themselves to stay in power.  The Chinese, Indians, Eurasians and others will be diluted. Today this is happening right before our eyes.  We have the Malays who support UMNO against the Malays who support PKR.  The Chinese, Indians and others have no more voice.

The other prediction  was that the children of Tun Razak, Mahathir and UMNO Ministers will bring shame to their families in the future.  That was in 1969.

From Tun Razak we have Madam Najib who must beg and ask for permission from Bonsai to go to the loo. Madam Najib is the most corrupted Prime Minister in the history of Malaysia. Madam Najib only skill is using money to get things done. Beside that Madam Najib like his father has blood in their hands.

Mahathir Kutty produced three rascal without brain. Their only skill is to open their palms to beg for money, shares and projects. Even in retirement Kutty has to constantly go around blackmailing others to give business to his children.  One of his produce cannot even stand on his own feet but wants to be MB of Kedah. This produce is lucky the Rakyat have not yet thrown shit onto his head.

Shahidan Kassim and Musa Hitam both lost their sons in a tragic manner.

Many Ministers have children who are useless, abusive, murderers and drug addicts.

Today we have Nazri who has an abusive and selfish son.  This rascal by the name of Nedim is not only abusive but is a legalized murderer.  This rascal does not work. This rascal is abusive. This rascal is a sadist.  This rascal is a drug addict.  But most important this rascal is a carbon copy of Nazri.

Anwar is one lucky chap from UMNO Regime because of what Kutty has done to him.  God gave him a  gift by the name of Nurul Izzah. Today Nurul is the only product of ex-UMNO Regime who can honestly be said is a normal human being and an outstanding politician.

And that is how God balances the scale.
