Yes, who cares what happens to the Rakyat
Another rural school mishap – but who gives a damn?
Cow projects in Malaysia get funded up to the tune of RM250m. But we cannot earmark urgent and adequate funds to ensure that all our rural schools are made safe for our children once and for all, lamentsAndrew Aeria.
Abit (second left) and others inspect the extent of the damage to the school hostel. Photograph: Borneo Post
On the night of 31 January, 18 young children, all students of a rural boarding school, SK Punan Ba in Sarawak’s Belaga district, were injured when their dilapidated wooden hostel (built in 1983) collapsed on them. According to the school’s headmaster, the ‘ramshackle wooden hostel’ had been earmarked for renovation (see Borneo Postreport).
Instead, for lack of repairs, five primary schoolgirls suffered ‘serious injuries’ while 13 others had ‘minor fractures’. Luckily, there were no fatalities reported – although fatalities or permanent paralysis may still occur if any of the five ‘seriously injured’ schoolgirls do not respond well to medical treatment.
For those who do not understand medical parlance, a ‘serious injury’ refers to the fact that the patient is bedridden after an accident and is incapable of walking. For those amongst us who have suffered ‘minor fractures’, we would all understand how painful, difficult and inconvenient an experience that can be. What more if the person is a child who is living in a rural and underfunded boarding school far away from family and loved ones, most of whom are poor and marginalised.
School buildings collapse and burn down regularly in Sarawak and Sabah owing to neglect and for lack of urgent maintenance funds.
Yet, the news of this accident only emerged on the front pages of the Borneo Post, a local Sarawak English daily, on 4 February. Instead of focusing on the sad plight of the schoolchildren and their recovery; instead of engaging politicians and bureaucrats by demanding concrete measures to ensure that such accidents do not recur, the newspaper focused on the visit of local luminaries, MP Billy Abit Joo (Hulu Rejang), Kapit Resident Dahim Nadot and Belaga District Education Officer Nelson @ Milon Saing to the school.
According to the news report, the three visited the school last Thursday to see for themselves the extent of damage. The newspaper also carried a front page photo of the trio looking upon the accident site, presumably to showcase ‘how deeply concerned’ they were.
To this end, the news report also highlighted that Hulu Rajang MP Billy Abit Joo handed over a RM10000 grant to the school’s Parent-Teacher Association to carry out repair work in the school. He was quoted as having said, “I am saddened by what had happened. Safety of the pupils should always be given priority. I hope such an incident will not happen again in future.”
Yeah, right! Ho-hum…
What’s the use of Billy Abit applying a paltry RM10000 plaster on a long festering wound? He has been MP of Hulu Rajang for 22 years now. And still the numerous rural schools within his constituency continue to be badly neglected and lack maintenance funds. Why has he not done more to ensure that school buildings and facilities in his constituency are safe and secure for rural schoolchildren?
Indeed, considering that this school building collapse is only another mishap in a long litany of many others in Sabah and Sarawak that have succumbed to collapse and to fires, why has the government not done anything significant to ensure that our rural children get to live and study in safe and secure school buildings?
Or is this school collapse just another case of poor, rural students not being important enough in our high-level national development agendas?
Perhaps if a building had collapsed on MP Billy Abit Joo (Hulu Rejang), Kapit Resident Dahim Nadot and Belaga District Education Officer Nelson @ Milon Saing or better still on the Federal Minister of Education during a previous official visit to a rural school in Sabah or Sarawak, things would have been different. Comprehensive remedial measures would certainly have been implemented a long time ago and the poor 18 children would probably not have suffered their unfortunate fate.
Sarawak’s budget has earmarked RM3.3bn as development expenditure for 2012. Our federal budget has earmarked RM51.2bn as total development expenditure for 2012. And how much are we allocating for rural school renovations and maintenance?
Sarawak’s new state legislative assembly building cost a cool RM296.5m. But we cannot even spend a few million ringgit repairing all our ramshackle rural schools and boarding facilities in Sarawak?
Cow projects in Malaysia get funded up to the tune of RM250m. But we cannot earmark urgent and adequate funds to ensure that all our rural schools are made safe for our children once and for all?
Don’t our rural schoolchildren in Sarawak and Sabah deserve at least as much as our cows?
Or are all our hot-shot, media-loving politicians and senior bureaucrats just too cow-brained to realise this?
Andrew Aeria is an Aliran exco member
Just take back RM250 million from Shahrizat and her family members and distribute RM1 million to each 28 million rightful citizens. Everyone happy and even got change for repairs to schools and stadiums.
Why the Government so overly clever just taking care of one arrogant family? Now with more evidence of funds going into another VIP private account, that mamak woman will show her fist again.
A wanita leader from my area was condemning PKR and others for supporting Anwar at 901 recently. So a friend asked her which is worst in Islam - sodomy or misuse of position and funds meant for the Rakyat? The wanita leader replied both. Then why support Shahrizat and her family members? The wanita leader replied that it is not true that Shahrizat had anything to do with the cow business just because the money was given to her husband Salleh. Anyway who said that the RM250 million was misused. The wanita leader claimed that Shahrizat had said she and her husband were already very rich before she joined politic so she does not need the money. It was Pak Lah and Khairy who insisted her husband Salleh get involve in the cow business. Anyway who said the business is in a mess. Even Auditor-General had said that the business did not fulfil its requirement but not messy as claimed by PKR. Say what you want Shahrizat had worked very hard for the party and had never asked for projects from the Government. Why is everyone jealous of her? My friend then asked the wanita leader whether she got any project or loans or free share from the government. Except for free share no project or loans because she does not need it. Then my friend asked whether she has Malay friends who are struggling to put food on the table. The wanita leader replied 'of course'. Then why not ask Shahrizat to donate RM1,000 to her struggling friends. The replied was- Why should Shahrizat give money to someone she doesn't know? My friend then replied isn't it true that Pak Lah and Khairy are not friends of Salleh?
My friend parting words were 'Why support corruption and misuse of funds but condemn sodomy that is between two parties and does not affect the Rakyat or its economy.
The wanita leader just walked off.
Yes, in Malaysia today nobody cares for the Rakyat. Politicians are out to suck us dry.