Gambling Den in Jalan Belangkas

There are now 12 gambling dens in Jalan Belangkas, Off Kg Pandan alone.
What does that tell us?
Yes the residents around are filthy rich.
The police beat is just behind.  Crimes are committed in front at the main road.
The police give talks to schools and have discussion with surau members.
Everything nice and friendly but that is all.
The suckers are Malay from 9 - 19 years old.
Credit given ranges from RM10 to RM1,000 depending on your family income.
The crime rate in Taman Maluri, Desa Pandan, Ampang and Pandan Jaya have increased 500 fold since these gambling dens appeared four years ago.
Every reported cases to the police states robbers are MALAY.
What does the Government and NGOs like Perkasa, Perkida, Jati
They continue to sodomize us.
