We the people of Malaysia are unable to find the reason for having PDRM and MACC existence

Preliminary findings: No CBT in NFC, says Deputy IGP
The police have so far been unable to find any incriminating evidence of criminal breach of trust in the National Feedlot Corporation (NFC) scandal. Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar said preliminary findings have failed to unearth any criminality involving the company linked to the family of a minister which has obtained a RM250 million government loan. He said that statements have been taken from 74 people, including NFC executive chairperson Dr Mohamad Salleh Ismail, who is husband of Women, Family and Community Development Minister Shahrizat Abdul Jalil. Also questioned by the police are the children of the couple - Izmir 31, Izran, 27, and Izzana, 25.
Fuck the police, fuck MACC. Let the people hold court then we will unveil the crime committed by UMNO past and present members and leaders.
People who support UMNO and BN are the REAL BANGSAT.