On September 19, 2009, the King of Thailand, Bhumibol Adulyadej, aged 81, was admitted to hospital. The heir apparent, Crown Prince Maha Vajiralongkorn, is poorly regarded in Thailand and the succession has clouded the brows of not only the Thai political elite, but the Thai people, who believe a period of substantial instability will follow the King's death (the King remains in hospital at the time of writing).
In Thailand, criticism of the Royal family is aggressively suppressed though the country's lese majeste laws. Censorship in the form of criminal sanctions, internet filtering, and economic, postal and other forms of censorship are all used to prevent just criticism.
This leaked home video, commissioned to document the birthday party of Princess Srirasmi on Dec 9, 2001, shows a poolside dinner with the Crown Prince. It is attended by servants, and the Crown Princess and who appears scantly clad.
The video spread underground among the well connected in Thailand earlier this year at which time extracts also appeared on a couple of non-Thai file sites, all of which, as far we can determine, have now been eliminated.