Our ex-Premier would have been proud to wear Bersih T-shirt.

Today, Wednesday, 29th of June, from 2pm-6pm, is Bersih’s day of internet activism. Our goal is to exponentially increase visible support for Bersih online, as part of our movement for a free and fair electoral system, and for a better Malaysia for all Malaysians.
We call upon all Malaysians of all backgrounds, regardless of their affiliations, to join us in helping ensure that Malaysia’s citizens will always retain the right to choose their government in a clean, democratic manner.
We hope to use democratic tools on the internet to objectively demonstrate how many Malaysians stand united behind these goals. In the first stage of our campaign, our objectives are to:
1. Reach 50,000 PicBadge Users – http://www.picbadges.com/bersih-2/1743665/
2. Get 50,000 Facebook Likes on our Official Page – http://www.facebook.com/pages/BERSIH-20-OFFICIAL/213938935311531
3. Get 10,000 followers on Twitter – http://twitter.com/bersih2
Also change your profile picture to something yellow.
The only way we will achieve these goals is if as many Malaysians as possible spread the message through their social networks – Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, and so on.
This marks the beginning of a web campaign that will last to the 9th of July and beyond, where every day from 2pm – 3pm, we will call on Malaysians to help spread the message.
On the 29th of June from 2pm to 6pm, the theme for Facebook and Twitter is to write about “Why #Bersih?” – why it’s needed, why we as individuals are choosing to walk, and why it will make Malaysia better for all Malaysians.
We call upon activists to encourage positively, avoid pressuring others, and not get drawn into unproductive arguments. Ultimately, what we need are numbers to support the cause.
Thank you all for your kind support – together we will change the country we love for the better.
Malaysian police have detained 14 opposition activists for wearing T-shirts promoting a planned rally against alleged electoral abuses.
It is the latest attempt by authorities to deter citizens from marching in Kuala Lumpur on 9 July in what the opposition hopes will be Malaysia's biggest protest in nearly four years.
The activists are demanding that authorities overhaul voter lists, introduce transparent procedures for ballots to be counted and make other policy changes ahead of national elections widely expected by mid-2012. Government officials say current electoral laws are fair enough.
Authorities have arrested nearly 100 activists in cities across the country since Friday. Some were handing out leaflets linked to the planned demonstration, while others were travelling to publicity events.
Experts: Bersih T-shirts NOT illegal
Stephanie Sta Maria | June 29, 2011
The home minister comes in for a lot of flak for pronouncing that the wearing of Bersih T-shirts is against the law.
PETALING JAYA: Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein who said wearing yellow Bersih 2.0 T-shirts is illegal came under fire from lawyers and academics today who said he was “talking nonsense”.
Hishammuddin told the press this morning that the arrests of those wearing such T-shirts are justified as it is related to an illegal activity.
However, the experts said that he is wrong on both counts as neither the rally nor the T-shirt is illegal.
Professor Aziz Bari of Universiti Islam Antarabangsa asked which law Hishammuddin was referring to in declaring that T-shirts is illegal as there was none to his knowledge that supported the minister’s contention.
“It is too far-fetched and illogical,” he told FMT. “Since when is it an offence to wear a certain colour in public? The only provision that comes remotely close is acting indecently in public and I doubt that wearing a T-shirt is an offence. Hishammuddin is talking nonsense.”
Aziz added that Hishammuddin also needed to clarify under which law was the Bersih 2.0 rally planned for July 9 deemed an illegal gathering.
He pointed out that criminalising an activity is a parliamentary decision and not that of an individual minister or the police.
“There is no such thing as absolute power of the police,” he said. “In fact, it is illegal for the police to deny permits before the organisers submit an application. That would mean the police have pre-judged the rally, which is unfair.”
Barbaric manner
Fadiah Nadwa Fikri of Lawyers for Liberty rejected Hishammuddin’s statement outright, branding it an “abuse and misuse of power”.
“There is no such law prohibiting these T-shirts,” she said. “Furthermore, these T-shirts are not linked to an illegal activity because the Federal Constitution allows the right to peaceful assembly and the constitution is higher than any other law in this country.”
“Despite being elected into the United Nations Human Rights Council last year, Malaysia is still behaving in a barbaric manner.”
LoyarBuruk co-founder, Edmund Bon, meanwhile, pointed out that the law prohibited civilians only from wearing police and military uniform, while Article 10 of the Federal Constitution allows people the freedom to dress as they please.
“A rally is only considered illegal if it seeks to incite violence,” he added. “The intention of the Bersih rally is the complete opposite. Hishammuddin’s statement smacks of arrogance and is unacceptable.”
The Home Minister Hishammuddin yesterday declared that the 'BERSIH' T-shirt is illegal because it is associated with an illegal rally.
A rally that has not taken place is already declared illegal. So that charge will have a donkey Judge saying "Correct! correct!"
I believe that if Tunku Abdul Rahman and Hussein Onn were alive today, they too would be proud to use the Bersih T-shirt. These two ex-Premier left UMNO because they were disgusted and frustrated with the way Mahathir mismanaged UMNO they formed and built up.
Today Hishammuddin has brought SHAME to his father's legacy.
Anyway, has Agong and all Royalty being inform they too cannot use their official uniform?