Bersih 2 vs Bau Busuk

On the 9th July 2011, thousands and thousands of concern Malaysians will march to demand that the Election Commission clean up their act of cheating, lies and arrogant ways towards the people who wants fair and just Election.

Perkasa and several so-call Malay groups have already lodge police reports. But what is happening behind the scene is most intriguing. Several senior UMNO members are planning to turn the gathering into a May 13 event. Mat Rempits, gangsters drug addicts and Malay youth from the kampungs are promised a payment of RM1,000 to wear the Bersih 2 tee-shirts and to carry pocket knives. Is the old fart and DPM behind the plot? There is rumour that US$1 million exchange hands between Perkasa and DPM across the sea.

Interesting enough the number 2 in the PDRM is aware of this and is keeping silent. Is this one way of knocking the number 1, so that the seat is his?

Najib is talking about getting closer to the people through cyber and meeting face to face. But LISTENING is not what he wants.

If Najib is smart, he can kill two birds with one stone by allowing the people to march peacefully and not have the old fart and DPM sodomize him back and front.

