The Kingdom Shall Fall

I am not sure why some Royalty are intelligently dumb. Maybe too much of rich food and sleeping on mattress fill with Heavy Weight Ringgits had flattened their brain.

Notice the roads in Silver are covered with spit; follow by foul smell in the air. People there have turned pale and are walking around like zombies waiting for the 13th election to wash away the smelly fart perfume the Judges have manufacture in their
illegal backyard found only in my beloved country.

The Almighty have revealed that the chosen one which was whispered into Rosie’s ear will have eight (8) elections thrown at his face THIS YEAR (2009) and he can only make eleven (11) wrong moves to ensure the collapse of the UMNO Kingdom. The start of the counting began on April 7th 2009 when he sat on the throne. So Penanti will be the fourth (4). The first wrong move was the displacement of the cock.

The signs are there to read but Rosy thinks the Bomohs can work better. I am willing to wager a bet of RM20 that my dinner would be free. Any takers. Sorry my bet is small but that is all I can afford.
