Lock your children up
Anwar gives Jakim bigger role in policymaking
The prime minister says the Islamic body previously had little to do with development plans, the budget or government reforms.
When Mahathir came into power in 1982, his first task was to control the government servants. He bribed Zainal Rampak and V David by giving them land and money.
Then before the 1999 General Election, Abu Talib Othman, Megat Junid, Tengku Rithaudeen, Sanusi, Yusof Noor, Daim and Mahathir had many brain storming and came up with the idea of forming Jakim to control the Malays.
Thus on 1st January 1997 Jakim was established.
Today the clever PM gave more power for Jakim to misuse.
My question is very simple.
a) What has Jakim contributed to society beside enforcing petty issue like dress code, covering of aura, cannot eat in the same shop/place with other races and religion, cannot go to other races' house/premise, cannot touch dog, cannot enter place of worship of other religion, cannot be alone with the opposite sex, encourage incest, victimize divorcee, automatic conversion to Islamic when a person dies, forced to convert to Islam in marriage when one party is non Muslim, force to give Zakat - knowing the money will be misused and unaccountable, cannot have a cross in whatever form in sight, allow spouse abuse, take away children (minor) from their parents and forcefully convert them, convert all the orphans in welfare homes to Muslim, encourage more drug abuse, capital and shame punishment for those suffering from mental illness, encourage land grab, spouse grab, double standard in laws, human trafficking etc....
By the way, do you know most of the officers in Jakim are millionaire, they travel first class, have long holidays, have more than 1 wife and mistresses, into kicky sex with minor and boys, keep porn materials and photos. Their favourite place for sex are Denmark, Russia, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan.
Most of their foreign sex partners are living in Ampang Hilir.
So now that they are into policy making for Malaysia thanks to Anwar, please lock your children indoor.