How much is the commission?

Image result for images of baru bian and azmin ali
How much is the commission to be share between Baru Bian, Azmin Ali, Tian Chua, Mahathir and Daim for the sale of PLUS?
To be an overnight Millionaire is so easy with PH Cabinet Ministers and its supporters.
As Economic Minister, Azmin Ali holds the key to all projects and the country's money.
LGE has no say, for he is only a puppet to please the Chinese Voters.

For being an obedient dog and the one responsible for hiding Slush Fund for GE 15 which Mahathir plans to call in November 2020, Azmin Ali must be protected at all cost.

Some said Azmin Ali is sucking Mahathir's cock so well that he is being protected like a pedigree in a golden cage.

So to those who believe Mahathir will hand over the Premiership to Anwar in November 2020, must be fools.

From now to November 2020, there will be Sodomy 4 to end Anwar's political career.

Azmin Ali's boys and Special Branch will be directing and producing another Wayang Kulit for all Malaysians soon
