1MDB paid RM289m + RM42m to Frank White of Dusable
In another life Frank White was a Nile crocodile
Frank White raised millions of dollars for Obama's '08, '12 campaigns.
White listed on Hillary's website as "Hillblazer"
he contributed at least US$100,000.
White donated $1m-$5m to Hillary Clinton Foundation, its website says
campaign official said Frank White hosted events for Hillary
I first blogged about this on Aug 10, 2016. Here is my blog title:
The following is by the Wall Street Journal from yesterday. It is going viral.
This is originally from The Wall Street Journal but it is taken from here :
Malaysian Fund 1MDB Linked to White House Visit
October 13, 2016 By Dow Jones Business News
WASHINGTON : Msia's govt-fund scandal, world's biggest white-collar crime
connected to H'wood studio, high-end U.S. real estate and White House.
FBI looking into money (stolen) from 1MDB paid to Frank White
to arrange Oval Office visit for relatives of Najib
Frank White Jr. of DuSable Capital
Frank White raised funds for Obama and Hillary
1MDB paid US$69m (RM289m) to buy out DuSable unit
investigation of payments part of inquiry into 1MDB
several countries believe US$6b (RM25b) stolen from 1MDB
Frank White and DuSable have provided info to investigators
Frank White said 1MDB dealings "to earn support for M'sia in US."
they were aware of no allegations 1MDB was "victim of theft"
(This is a lame excuse. It is not an excuse at all. Dealing in stolen property is a crime, whether you are aware of it or not.)
U.S.-M'sia ties warmed, 2014 Obama made 1st visit to M'sia by a president in 50 years.
(Correction : Obama visited M'sia TWICE within two years. The second time he stayed here for FOUR NIGHTS ?? Possibly talking money.)
July '16 U.S. DOJ seized US$1b assets purchased from 1MDB fraud
Frank White's M'sian connections on display in Dec 2013
White escorted son, stepson of Najib to White House
DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese accompanied them
to present Obama copy of "Wolf of Wall Street"
DOJ said film funded by money stolen from 1MDB
DiCaprio declined to comment.
Scorsese didn't respond to requests.
Jho Low came up with solar-power project with cooperation of Frank White
Low said his efforts in arranging it helped Najib get closer to Obama
Obama golfed with Najib in Hawaii at Christmas 2014.
Najib's office declined to comment on power project.
Low didn't respond to comment requests.
White's sister is married to cousin of Michelle Obama
White knew Jho Low through New York nightclub circles
in 2012 White was paid US$10m by MB Consulting, owned Jho Low's partner
part of consulting agreement
Abu Dhabi partner declined to comment.
money embezzled from 1MDB sent to MB Consulting, DOJ stated
without saying where it went next.
(It went next to White, then to Obama and Hillary. Thats where it went)
May 2013 White formed DuSable with Shomik Dutta
Shomik is White House special asst. and 2012 Obama fundraiser
Shomik Dutta and Michel declined to comment.
2013 White registered DuSable as a lobbyist for 1MDB
DuSable "encourage U.S. govt to provide support" for solar project in M'sia
Dec. 18, 2013 White escorted Najib family on Oval Office visit, met Obama
April 2014: DuSable, 1MDB jointly develop solar project.
deal done without public tender
1MDB presented to board as "g-to-g" btwn M'sia and U.S.
Obama arrived in Malaysia on April 26, 2014.
4 months later, 1MDB buy out DuSable
Najib signed resolution to pay DuSable US$95m for project.
price renegotiated, 1MDB paid US$69 million
from 1MDB/DuSable joint statement last year.
Bradley Hope at
Colleen McCain Nelson at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
My comments : Now we know why Obama visited Malaysia TWO TIMES in two years. Big money, money stolen from 1MDB had exchanged hands.
The fake solar project has not taken off. Tak jadi. Yet 1MDB "bought out" Frank White's stake in the solar project for US$69 million or RM289 million. Najib signed the resolution to pay Frank White RM289 million.
This was the money that bought Obama's TWO visits to Malaysia in two years.
Let us see if the FBI and the US DOJ will pursue this story by the Wall Street Journal.
The US presidential election is just 24 days away. Are the Trump people too dumb to pick this up?
October 13, 2016 By Dow Jones Business News
WASHINGTON : Msia's govt-fund scandal, world's biggest white-collar crime
connected to H'wood studio, high-end U.S. real estate and White House.
FBI looking into money (stolen) from 1MDB paid to Frank White
to arrange Oval Office visit for relatives of Najib
Frank White Jr. of DuSable Capital
Frank White raised funds for Obama and Hillary
1MDB paid US$69m (RM289m) to buy out DuSable unit
investigation of payments part of inquiry into 1MDB
several countries believe US$6b (RM25b) stolen from 1MDB
Frank White and DuSable have provided info to investigators
Frank White said 1MDB dealings "to earn support for M'sia in US."
they were aware of no allegations 1MDB was "victim of theft"
(This is a lame excuse. It is not an excuse at all. Dealing in stolen property is a crime, whether you are aware of it or not.)
U.S.-M'sia ties warmed, 2014 Obama made 1st visit to M'sia by a president in 50 years.
(Correction : Obama visited M'sia TWICE within two years. The second time he stayed here for FOUR NIGHTS ?? Possibly talking money.)
July '16 U.S. DOJ seized US$1b assets purchased from 1MDB fraud
Frank White's M'sian connections on display in Dec 2013
White escorted son, stepson of Najib to White House
DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese accompanied them
to present Obama copy of "Wolf of Wall Street"
DOJ said film funded by money stolen from 1MDB
DiCaprio declined to comment.
Scorsese didn't respond to requests.
Jho Low came up with solar-power project with cooperation of Frank White
Low said his efforts in arranging it helped Najib get closer to Obama
Obama golfed with Najib in Hawaii at Christmas 2014.
Najib's office declined to comment on power project.
Low didn't respond to comment requests.
White's sister is married to cousin of Michelle Obama
White knew Jho Low through New York nightclub circles
in 2012 White was paid US$10m by MB Consulting, owned Jho Low's partner
part of consulting agreement
Abu Dhabi partner declined to comment.
money embezzled from 1MDB sent to MB Consulting, DOJ stated
without saying where it went next.
(It went next to White, then to Obama and Hillary. Thats where it went)
May 2013 White formed DuSable with Shomik Dutta
Shomik is White House special asst. and 2012 Obama fundraiser
Shomik Dutta and Michel declined to comment.
2013 White registered DuSable as a lobbyist for 1MDB
DuSable "encourage U.S. govt to provide support" for solar project in M'sia
Dec. 18, 2013 White escorted Najib family on Oval Office visit, met Obama
April 2014: DuSable, 1MDB jointly develop solar project.
deal done without public tender
1MDB presented to board as "g-to-g" btwn M'sia and U.S.
Obama arrived in Malaysia on April 26, 2014.
4 months later, 1MDB buy out DuSable
Najib signed resolution to pay DuSable US$95m for project.
price renegotiated, 1MDB paid US$69 million
from 1MDB/DuSable joint statement last year.
Bradley Hope at
Colleen McCain Nelson at
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
My comments : Now we know why Obama visited Malaysia TWO TIMES in two years. Big money, money stolen from 1MDB had exchanged hands.
The fake solar project has not taken off. Tak jadi. Yet 1MDB "bought out" Frank White's stake in the solar project for US$69 million or RM289 million. Najib signed the resolution to pay Frank White RM289 million.
This was the money that bought Obama's TWO visits to Malaysia in two years.
Let us see if the FBI and the US DOJ will pursue this story by the Wall Street Journal.
The US presidential election is just 24 days away. Are the Trump people too dumb to pick this up?