Najis's gave money to these rascal to shut their mouth

1. Hishammuddin Hussein – Defence Minister.
2. Azalina Othman – Minister in Prime Minister's Department.
3. Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah – Second Finance Minister.
4. Liow Tiong Lai – Transport Minister.
5. Anifah Aman – Foreign Minister.
6. Ismail Sabry – Rural and Regional Development Minister.
7. Ahmad Shabery Cheek – Agriculture and Agro-based Industries Minister
8. Madzir Khalid – Education Minister
9. Tajuddin Abdul Rahman – Deputy Agriculture Minister
10. Razali Ibrahim – Deputy Minister, Prime Minister's Department
11. Ahmad Maslan - RM2 million ringgit man
12. Shahrir Abdul Samad - RM1 million ringgit man

These are the people who benefited from 1MDB.
