The Red Moon Fury must be taken seriously

Thai psychic claims calamities will befall country within these two years

Published on Thursday, 25 June 2015 00:39

KOTA KINABALU: Thai psychic Navaracha Pinitlokakorn aka Prai has made a mind-boggling prediction, claiming that in two years time, a strange phenomenon would cause Peninsular Malaysia to ‘split’ into two.

This was highlighted by online news, quoting an exclusive interview with Prai by the Feminine Magazine, recently.

She noted that the strange phenomenon will have something to do with an abundance of water gushing out from the earth.

She also warned that within the next two years, Malaysia will have a series of calamities, and among those structures to be badly affected includes a 50-storey building located near a road junction in Kuala Lumpur.

Calamities might occur in hilly regions of Peninsular Malaysia and, based on the map shown by her, it appeared to be within the Titiwangsa Mountains.

The said exclusive interview was coincidentally conducted on the same day the deadly 5.9 magnitude earthquake hit Ranau.

Under the reading of Red Moon, Malaysia will experience the worst disaster in History with more signs in two weeks time.
Whether Peninsular Malaysia will split into two is very subjective given the current political situation plus change of climate resulting in more rainfall than usual.
As no-one is sure of anything it is best to be ready at all times in the event of flood and sink holes. Further more it is true that the KLCC building has leaned toward East.
Political crisis can be prevented if our Politicians think with moral obligation towards the Rakyat.  Especially in Selangor where it does not serve to kick our PAS or have Kak Wan as MB.  Just wait till 2018 for the Rakyat to decide, by then the greediness might be lower with the death of Anwar, LKS and most members from G18 and PASMA.
