Curtain behind the shade - Final

Till date no IGP has beaten Hanif Omar’s record for being the longest serving IGP in Malaysia.  Hanif was trained the English way, he was very proud of his uniform.  Things at Bukit Aman were systematically run and he knew what his men were doing and his orders were followed through.   He was the Big Boss answerable to Allah only. But like the story of Adam and Eve, Hanif took a bite of the apple.  The person who gave the apple was Yeoh Tiong Lay on the request of Mahathir Kutty. So Hanif took sabbatical leave to study law in England.  When he came back to resume his old duties things were different.  Hanif was now answerable to Mahathir Kutty.

Mahathir is a very ambitious man and does not like to be told what he can and what he cannot do.  People have commented that Anwar is a mirror image of Mahathir.  So when Mahathir became PM he decided to change the system on how things should be run in this country.  Mahathir wanted absolute power, in order to do that he needed to bribe them but how to when there is no immediate funds.  The businessmen Mahathir knew were so, so and they were not prepared to risk their hard earned money to him. So he went to borrow from the Triads. Knowing the danger of being held ransom from the triads, Mahathir negotiated with Yeoh Tiong Lay and with Hanif Omar’s help all the fries were fried.  This was how Yeoh Tiong Lay cleaned his sinful money and became a successful businessman.

Mahathir knew the game of absolute power by using ISA and how to manipulate his men.  He gave in to business venture of every kind that can generate money for him and his family. Otherwise how could he have lasted for 22 years.

Now in the court of Anwar things were opposite.  Anwar did not have the ISA, the power of money, the IGP and say.

To cut the story short this is what happened that led to the Kajang drama.

As everyone knows Azmin has never been part of Anwar’s household.  So to fix them up Azmin needed to know their weaknesses. So Anas was paid RM5 million to do the job.  Today the mother and daughter are sitting at the corner.

PKR spent more than RM800 million some said RM1.2 billion in the 13th GE excluding the donation collected.  From that amount Azmin channeled 15% into his family private accounts.  This is common when money is concern inside PKR.

Known as being stingy, MB Khalid may or may not have given such a sum.  You have to ask him.

Now if you remember what I wrote about Nong Chik working hand in hand with the triads in Kuala Lumpur then you will suspect or know they have ditched him.  So the interest in Kuala Lumpur died a natural death or rather the triad decided to see whether Tengku Adnan is a good deal.  In the meantime the triads or should I say 1 particular triad is now buddy with Anwar and Azmin.

After losing his face with PAS and DAP over the MB seat Azmin had sworn he would teach these two parties a lesson.  Now to do that PKR must have more seats.  Some called it good timing but I called it bad feng shui. Yes the triad turned to Selangor.  Since the seeds have already been sown by providing escorts to PKR elites and giving generously for the 13th GE now is the time to be more generous and kind. 

The ex-Minister and his friends took UMNO Selangor chaps for holidays, sex and gambling.  During the course of happiness deals were concluded.  Noh Omar RM200 million and the other 11 between RM100 – RM120 million each.  Sums are to be given after the game is over but the Triads wanted to make sure it was a done deal not like what happened in Perak, so an advance payment of RM50 million was given to Noh Omar. All the signed letters are in Azmin procession.  So Rafizi was instructed to strike a deal with Lee Chin Cheh.  Now Lee is not stupid.  Being in politic for so many years he knew the game.  So he asked for RM30 million to forgo his benefit of RM2.3 million as MP.  Back and fro the deal was eventually done at RM22 million.  Lee insisted that the money be transferred before he hands over the letter to Rafizi.

Now with 12 additional seats added into the existing 13 seats that makes 25 seats for PKR.  So let us see the fun.

Whatever the outcome I know PAS and DAP are doing a wonderful job in Selangor. My thanks to you guys.
