Water Power for the future

Members of Pakistani parliament, scientists, and students alike watched in awe as Waqar Ahmad, a Pakistani engineer, successfully demonstrated a working water powered car in Islamabad. With just one liter of water, Ahmad claims a 1000 cc car could cover a distance of 40 km, or a motorbike could travel 150 km.

Ahmad's 'Water Fuel Kit Project' utilizes a hydrogen bonding technique with distilled water, creating hydrogen to power the vehicle. If realized on a massive scale, Ahmad's invention could seriously challenge the current energy paradigm, and could usher in a new way of thinking about energy in general.

First reported today by the Times of India, the promising exhibition took place on Thursday, as a Pakistani cabinet subcommittee member praised the technology. A stunned audience sat in astonishment when Religious Affairs minister, Syed Khurshid Ahmad Shah, proclaimed Ahmad's water car was "this years' Independence Day gift to the nation."

This is not the first time a water powered car has been proven to work. Nearly a year ago, on July 31st, 2011, Presscore.ca broke a story on Genepax, a Japanese company that unveiled a car that can run on river, rain or sea water, and even Japanese tea. A subsequent article goes on to state, "The key to the Genepax system is its membrane electrode assembly (or MEA), which contains a material that’s capable of breaking down water into hydrogen and oxygen."

by Robert Lee
Pure Energy Systems News 
