Bukit Bintang is the deep hole where you can get everything. Be it workers, drugs, boys/men, girls/women, single/married, bouncers, killers, human trafficking etc..............Daily of unreported gang fights have turned the walls red overnight even basements and car parks are not spared.

Bukit Bintang is run by The Three Stripes Malay cum UMNO Gangster. What does that Three Stripes means I don't know but what I am sure of is that the Police Contingent down the road and up the hill is their headquarter with certain UMNO elites smiling from head to toe.

I remember those good old days Jalan Alor used to be run by the Chinese then came development. The new set of politicians then decided to chase out the Chinese gang and took over. But for the past ten years the Malays got green eyes decided that Bukit Bintang must be given to them. So start the gang of five clans. Three days ago only two were left - the Two Stripes and Three Stripes lord over Bukit Bintang. Yesterday lastest news, I was told that Three Stripes is now the only one standing.

So if you want anything be it workers, someone to soothe that urge or Joh Low, Rosmah and even Paris Hilton. No problem the Three Stripes grant your wishes as long as the price is right.

The first step to joining this gang is to beat up at least twenty Chinese and Indian boys, then you have to recruit at least three virgins for the bosses up the hill, then you have to join and become an UMNO member before being accepted as part of the family of Three Stripes.

So you see how young Malays are groom today, with Perkasa and Mahathir shouting Malay Rights. Yeah that kind of rights we do not need.
